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According to the American Bar Association, there are 1,327,910 lawyers in the United States, as of the latest survey. The map below shows the total of number of licensed attorneys in every state in the U.S.

6 key elements of successful law firm marketing

State Count
Alabama 14897
Alaska 2340
Arizona 15688
Arkansas 6808
California 167709
Colorado 22802
Connecticut 21036
Delaware 3058
District of Columbia 28011
Florida 77223
Georgia 33158
Hawaii 4184
Idaho 4029
Illinois 62720
Indiana 15802
Iowa 7452
Kansas 7932
Kentucky 13570
Louisiana 21414
Maine 3985
Maryland 40800
Massachusetts 42720
Michigan 35453
Minnesota 26065
Mississippi 6845
Missouri 24369
Montana 3183
Nebraska 5546
Nevada 7482
New Hampshire 3495
New Jersey 40137
New Mexico 5612
New York 185076
North Carolina 24253
North Dakota 1696
Ohio 38189
Oklahoma 13713
Oregon 12158
Pennsylvania 49087
Rhode Island 4071
South Carolina 10853
South Dakota 1985
Tennessee 18818
Texas 93821
Utah 8581
Vermont 2198
Virginia 24020
Washington 26701
West Virginia 4770
Wisconsin 15488
Wyoming 1692

If you’re a lawyer, no doubt there have been times you have struggled to keep business going for your firm. The reality is that competition is tougher than it ever has been before. As the lawyer population increases in size, and younger, tech-savvy new professionals enter the market, competition amongst attorneys competing for cases online increases each year. One of the most competitive fields of law is personal injury. For example, if you are in the state of Florida, like the personal injury lawyers at Vanguard Attorneys (headquartered in Tampa) you are competing with thousands of other law firms just in your own city, let alone over 77,000 attorneys in the state.  Los Angeles personal injury lawyers Panish | Shea | Boyle | Ravipudi LLP (or any injury law firm in the largest cities in the U.S.) face an even tougher battle, as large markets are the toughest in the industry. Law firms in markets like L.A., New York, Houston, Chicago, face the stiffest online competition. Which law firms will succeed when it comes to marketing their practice online? The ones that have a great marketing partner at their side. Now more than ever before, it’s important to choose your law firm SEO agency carefully.

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